Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Relationship Level: A Theory of Islamic Ukhuwah

1. Ta'aruf (knowing each other)
2. Tafahum (understand each other)
3. Ta'awun (helping each other)
4. Takaful (responsible for one another life)

Those theory I got from my lecture for muqaddimah in the matter of "Insurance". As we know that there's an insurance company unit named "Takaful". Takaful is the highest level of relationship when a muslim is being responsible for another's life. So we got the philosophy here. An insurance that's run and driven by sharia principle has takaful as a great philosophy.

Well, back to the theory.
And it'a always based on me. My own story. I already live in this world for about 21th and I met people other than my family.


I have many friends, like automatically I get along with them so well, instantly and don't really need so much effort. May be that's the reason why I don't really know how to treasure them. And maybe that's why I don't really being on to the third even more the fourth level of relationship.

.... to be continued insyaAllah

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